Title: Braised Dark Meat Turkey over Egg Noodles

Category: Food Network, Main Dishes, Soups & Stews



Generously salt and pepper the turkey.
Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large heavy pot or Dutch oven over high heat.
Add the turkey and brown as evenly as possible all over. Do this in
batches if necessary.
Once browned, remove the turkey from the pot. When the turkey is cool,
remove the meat from the bone and lightly shred it by pulling it apart.
Discard the bones.
Reduce the heat to medium-high and then add the onions, carrots, and
celery and cook until tender. Add the tomato paste and cook, stirring,
until it is mixed in. Then add all the remaining ingredients, except the
olives and rosemary, and stir until everything is incorporated. Bring
this liquid to a simmer, then add the turkey back to the pot along with
the olives and rosemary.
Cook about 1-2 hours over low heat. Remove rosemary sprigs and serve over
hot egg noodles.